Tag Archives: marketing

Small Business Marketing: Brilliant Lessons From The Movie, “What Women Want”

Small Business Marketing: Brilliant Lessons From The Movie, “What Women Want”

The other night I was watching a DVD of Mel Gibson’s 2000 film, “What Women Want”, an entertaining enough ‘rom-com’, and it really resonated with a couple of things that information marketing guru Eben Pagan talked about recently.

Now for those unfamiliar with the film’s plot, basically a sexist guy (Mel) working in advertising in Chicago kind of semi-electrocutes himself and suddenly has the power to hear what women are thinking. As a result, he can then use his marketing messages to directly ‘tap into’ the thoughts of women.

Now I worked for a long time as a creative director in advertising in the past on accounts like IBM, Pepsi, Cadbury’s and Kellogg’s, so I’ll skip over the irrelevant comparisons with real-life advertising agencies.

But what WAS fascinating in the movie and VERY valuable to us marketers were certain brilliantly clarifying lessons:

Firstly, the film reminds us that customers’ buying behaviour is largely driven by irrational fears, frustrations, hopes and volatile emotions.

Is your business marketing working on that emotional impact level?

Virtually all advertising appeals to emotion instead of logic because emotions are far more powerful in influencing behaviour.

However, the trick that the film showed brilliantly in the climactic Nike pitch scene was just how SPECIFIC we have to be in addressing the fears, frustrations and emotional impulses of our target markets.

In my view, the film is must-see marketing training for that reason alone. Watch that scene and the ad itself which Gibson’s character narrates to see how specifically he addresses EXACTLY ‘what women want’.

But, you ask, how can we find out what these (often hidden) emotions and irrational fears are?

In my humble opinion, we have to be in constant dialogue with individuals precisely in our target market and constantly inviting new research ‘guinea pigs’ in order to find more out about “What My Buyers Want” and no, it won’t be a new car.

It will be usually be a SPECIFIC, deeply EMOTIONAL need, want or desire.

As Eben Pagan rightly says, most non-essential purchases are driven by emotion THEN rationalized by the logical part of the brain later.

The science-fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein put it another way: “Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal.”

People usually want to talk but you are looking for an especially frank, honest and blunt person who will tell you what’s REALLY going on with your target market. Though the marketing ‘inventor’ is unknown, Eben Pagan recommends building a whole composite ‘avatar’ with a whole life story of your typical customer or client mapped out.

Are you doing that with your marketing at the moment?

One conversation with a candid prospect could be worth a great deal of money to your business not only in what SPECIFIC marketing messages you are putting out, but also in NOT saying things that alienate or turn off your prospects.

It may sound a bit crazy – actually marketing is full of way crazier stuff than this – but IMAGINE what thoughts you would hear if you could overhear your prospects’ thoughts.

At their very psychological core, what common drives and specific thoughts exist among them?

Is it the desperate need for respect from their peers or superiority over them? A sense of power over their lives? The desire to be cool, accepted and popular? Even these are much too general and need a great deal more development on the SPECIFICS.

“What Women Want”. Check it out for a quick marketing refresher course.

Have a great day.

Terry Kyle
400 Latest & Greatest Small Business Ideas From Around The World

“These are not just small business ideas, they are smart business ideas…you’ll learn a great deal from these words of wisdom.”

David Meerman Scott
Bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing and PR


Small Business SEO? Why SEO Is A Complete Waste Of Time For Your Small Business

Small Business Online Marketing WITHOUT SEO? Absolutely.

OK, put the guns down and hear me out BEFORE the public execution begins over such an outrageous statement.

Here’s why SEO could be a total waste of time for a small business or home business entrepreneur, namely, you:

Unless you have invented a time machine, time is finite.



All of us entrepreneurs have so many demands on our time that some days we’re pretty clueless. So in this time-poor lifestyle, why should we allocate vast time (or even financial) resources to SEO and boosting our rank on Google?

Right about now, the SEO guys here are turning red with rage and phoning up hit men.

But let’s get real.

SEO is expensive. Often very expensive.

Most small business entrepreneurs simply do not have the time or financial resources to compete with bigger businesses who have full-time consultants or firms working constantly on their SEO to bump up their Google place a notch or two.

What I propose is a marketing model quite different and one that I hope gives you back some time and money.

At heart, I’m a guerrilla marketer driven by cost-effective (including time, not just money) results-driven tactics and strategies and to be blunt, I’m too technically illiterate to appreciate a lot of the nuances of say, H1, H2 and H3 codes.

There’s a simple saying in our business: sell what is already selling.

Let’s apply this to your SEO-less online marketing.

Rather than spending months or years (time is money) on optimising everything about your page, devouring every latest SEO trick and building hundreds of quality backlinks, instead make sure that your fine-tuned marketing messages constantly appear on sites that Google ALREADY loves.

When your messages appear on some of these sites, Google will put it on Page 1 in UNDER TWENTY MINUTES.

And you have time to go out and enjoy a movie rather than buying another SEO book.

And yes, I think you MUST use a paused Adwords account to find out exact long search phrases in your niche to use as titles and content in your messages.

But that’s very different to constant SEO development of your own website/s.

If you want to find these Google-loved sites where your messages MUST appear, go to alexa dot com and check the top 100/500. Work out where you can get your messages seen ON THESE SITES and indexed rapidly and high on Google.

For example, I get incredible Page 1 Google results from a site that is in the 8,000s on Alexa – all WITHOUT a penny spent on SEO. One in the Alexa 300s is phenomenal.

Google ALREADY loves these sites and doesn’t care much for mine but I don’t care. Because my messages are on those sites! And I keep them there.

Those sites are among the biggest traffic drivers to my poorly-SEOd site. And they’re free to place messages there.

No PPC either – all free.

Don’t even get me started on Pay-Per-Click!

Now imagine if you have great marketing messages appearing on TWENTY of these Google-loved sites a day.

This will give you far more IMMEDIATE and FREE traffic than wasting years of your life on SEO-ing YOUR site to death.

Of course, you MUST have YOUR landing pages properly tested and sorted when the traffic does come from these other Google-friendly sites but you have optimised it for PEOPLE, targeted prospects, not a Google robot that changes its mind constantly about Quality Score!

See what I mean? After all, did you find this article on my website?

So there we are.

Let the vengeful fists of SEO fury come now.

Nonetheless, I hope this helps your small business journey because I know how important succeeding in it is to you.

On an unrelated matter, I came across this cool axiom from Jim Rohn today: “Your personal income rarely exceeds your personal development.”

Hard to argue with the J-Bird there.

Have a great day.

Terry Kyle
400 Latest & Greatest Small Business Ideas From Around The World

How To Start My Own Small Business

How To Start My Own Small Business
By Terry Kyle
400 Latest & Greatest Small Business Ideas From Around The World

So you want to start your own small business BUT don’t want to lose your shirt or blouse if it all screws up?

Cool. Makes sense.

So, apart from deciding to go for it, aim to apply these principles in choosing your business and you stand a very good chance of making it:

1. The small business can be operated from HOME (i.e. no giant additional rental overheads).

2. The business does NOT require a large inventory of product (another financially crippling overhead) i.e. it is service-based rather than product-based, at least to begin with.

3. The business has SEVERAL income streams (e.g. service as well as sales – look at hair salons selling high-markup products AND hair care).

4. The business involves a product/service that buyers pay for IMMEDIATELY and not on a 30-day/60-day/90-day/120-day basis (late payment of accounts has sent countless small AND large businesses to the bottom of the river without a scuba tank).

5. The business relates to your EXISTING skills/expertise (or it’s something you are prepared to develop your knowledge in very quickly) so avoid offering neurosurgery in your neighbourhood unless you spent the last 10 years cutting open people’s heads in a hospital.

6. The business has a considerable/total CASH-IN-HAND sales element.

7. The business still earns income when the owner is away (e.g. vending machines) – not necessarily vital but pretty nice.

8. The business is not too reliant on finding good staff (finding and keeping quality staff is one of the biggest issues for all small business operators).

9. The business is not based on too small a number of clients (e.g. an advertising agency with only 1 client) – this gives the client the power and not the business!

10. The business appeals to human NEEDS that demand constant fulfilment rather than occasional wants (the food retail business is far more bankable than many other service businesses e.g. people have to eat but they don’t NEED to have their tarot cards read – mind you a tarot card reading service is very cheap to set up and actually a pretty good small business model).

11. The small business has a clear point of difference from possible competitors e.g. it is faster; it is open after hours when others are closed; it comes to the client’s home; it caters to a specialized niche such as the disabled or gay or senior market; it is much simpler than existing competitors; it is in the best possible location; or it is much cheaper than obvious competitors.

Without such a characteristic, a small business will probably struggle.

12. The business is one that the owner clearly ENJOYS or has some natural affinity with e.g. a car enthusiast importing and selling used Jaguars from Britain – the new XK rocks!

Good luck and keep me posted on your small business journey!

Terry Kyle
400 Latest & Greatest Small Business Ideas From Around The World

7 Powerful New Ways To Boost Your Google Presence

7 Powerful New Ways To Boost Your Google Presence
by Terry Kyle
400 Latest & Greatest Small Business Ideas From Around The World


It seems like all we talk about now on the Web. Hey, so why fight it?

Apart from all the usual techniques that you’ve probably heard a hundred times before, here are my latest ‘secret’ discoveries for expanding your business footprint on Google:

[1] Use (free) Amazon discussion forums at the bottom of bestseller pages in your niche area. Discuss a book or current issue in your niche BUT on the bestselling individual books pages only. You can find this near the bottom of the page under the area called “Customer Discussions”. Google seems to love posts in these discussions. Make sure that your Web address and your favourite (Google) keyword search terms are in your post. You need a normal Amazon buyer’s account to participate of course. I have seen Google pick up new posts here in under 10 minutes.

[2] Make (free) comments in your niche areas on the MOST VIEWED articles on ezinearticles dot com. Again, most viewed articles in your niche only, add constructive keywords-related comments and you are given a link on your name (no backlink though) but this is a very Google friendly site (Alexa ranking of 319!)

[3] Most press release Web services charge lawyer-like money but www dot prlog dot org and www dot freepressreleases dot co dot uk are free and picked up by Google quickly. Look for my own press releases to see what I mean.

[4] Having a personal blog might be good (I’m still deciding) but aggregating blogs (which all feature your landing page/s URLs and keywords) by automating their transmission across the web on hundreds of sites is much better. Go to www dot feedage dot com and www dot feedraider dot com (free registration to use).

[5] See my other post entitled “Video Marketing Through YouTube” or watch the video at the top of www dot trafficgeyser dot com.

[6] Set up press release and one-article news pages on your own site (must be numbered correctly to be indexed) and submit them to Google News (details at www dot google dot com/support/news_pub/bin/). Like Google Books, Google favors its own areas highly.

[7] If you have a book out, make sure it is submitted to Google Books – a service where they allow readers to look through a percentage of submitted books. If you only have an e-book, you will need an ISBN number but it is worth it. Caveat: Google Books is very slow to process submissions but the SE ranking for these pages is very high (go to books dot google dot com/partner/).

Do you have any Google gems to share?

Have a great day and I hope these help your business.

Terry Kyle
400 Latest & Greatest Small Business Ideas From Around The World

Video Marketing Through YouTube

Video Marketing Through YouTube
by Terry Kyle
Advertising Copywriter & Creative Director

Recently I came across an interesting net statistic – over 50% of all web traffic is now video. And it’s share of the internet ‘pie’ keeps growing.

Apparently, YouTube now accounts for 12%+ of ALL web traffic too.

In short, the simple reality is that we must all now integrate video-on-the-web as a necessary component of our overall marketing strategy.

From my own marketing and research, including stuff for my book, these are some (hopefully) useful learnings and observations that can help speed up your no-cost/low-cost transition to video marketing:

[1] Achieving pretty good quality for video is easy with any standard camcorder.

The trick is in the lighting – a ‘softbox’ (to you and I, a fancy shmancy light in an umbrella) is about $80+ on Yahoo shopping and some Muslin background paper (around $50+) will give you very professional results.

This is the setup used on apple’s training videos on their website (go to http://www.apple.com/macbookair/guidedtour/ and click on “Watch the Guided Tour” to see this in action), a style copied perfectly by one of my marketing heroes, Eben Pagan.

This is a great video marketing template to follow and can be done for very little money.

So, what should you shoot?

I recommend a (series of) 3-5 minute informational segment/s genuinely helpful to your niche which has your web address featured throughout (semi-discreetly) and/or video testimonials from satisfied customers.

Quite simply, it will probably be you talking into the camera in a static mid shot (you may need to look that term up) for the entire clip.

Check out Eben Pagan’s use of post-seminar video testimonials at http://doubleyourdating.com/CockyComedy/ (go to the very end of the page) and type in “Eben Pagan” on YouTube to see all his testimonial videos there.

This is a very powerful marketing tool. In fact, his ‘Double Your Dating’ website has an Alexa rank of about 13,000 which is sensational for an information product of this type and I’m sure his constant video marketing greatly helps this.

[2] Use Windows ‘Movie Maker’ (free), Adobe ‘Premiere’ (majorly not free but get a 30 day trial copy from Adobe to get started) or Mac’s ‘Screen Flow’ to import your video into your computer.

Remember, YouTube videos are not allowed to exceed 10 minutes and under 5 is better from an audience attention perspective.

[3] Once you have your video made, DON’T submit it to YouTube.


Instead, use http://www.tubemogul.com (free last time I looked) or http://www.trafficgeyser.com (not free but trial offer probably still available) to submit to DOZENS of web video sites at once including YouTube.

Yes you will have to go to each one first and set up an account and password (use the same one for all of them) but after that, these programs do all the uploading for you.

It is not uncommon for uploaded videos to be ranking well in Google in less than 30 minutes after uploading.

As John Reese says, the more action you take, the more success you make (or words to that effect) and your web videos do NOT need to be Hollywood standard.

Just get them made and up there to start getting used to working in this medium.

Your marketing videos are working in two important ways: [a] people will watch the video (because it is informational and genuinely helpful) with your web address burned on to the screen (haven’t tried this with Windows Movie Maker but definitely works with the other two programs) and,

[b] Google will pick it up and usually give your video a decent (free) search engine result IF your video is titled with your EXACT Google keyword search phrase and your account with YouTube should be that phrase as a username too.

Trafficgeyser.com has a video tutorial on the exact steps of this (when you are there, look at how TrafficGeyser are using a video at the top of their page as their most powerful marketing weapon).

Keep in mind that YouTube has an Alexa ranking of #3 (i.e. it is the 3rd most visited site on the planet).

My site and yours do not.

You won’t get a backlink to your site from YouTube but the spread and indexing of videos on the web is astonishing.

Of course, feature your helpful instructional videos on your own website too – you can embed them via YouTube if you are worried about your web host charging you extra for all that additional data transfer.

Message me if you aren’t sure how to do this and I’ll fill you in.